Dining Tables

We are currently updating our website. Check back here soon as we add more products.

In the meantime, you can check out several of the brands we work with.

Custom, Canadian Made Dining Tables

Verbois (wood, with wood or glass tops): https://www.verbois.com/products/dining-room/dining-room-tables/

Amisco (metal bases with solid wood, wood veneer, laminate, glass, or porcelain tops): https://www.amisco.com/en_us/tables?am_disponibility=Store+Exclusive

Ready Made Tables (Imports)

Nuevo Living: https://www.nuevoliving.com/can/products/table

Sunpan: https://sunpan.com/furniture/dining-and-bar/dining-tables

Soho Concepts: https://www.sohoconcept.com/products/tables-desks

LH Imports: https://lhhomedecor.ca/collections/dining-tables

Showing all 2 results